Available on an app customised to your brand or integrated within the passengers’ app
airweb’s m-ticketing is the first solution in France, used every day by thousands of riders
The passenger
- validates their ticket each time they get onboard
- Chooses the ticket corresponding to their profile
- Is able to buy a ticket remotely for friends and family
- Can arrange travel as a group
- can pay in several instalments
Transport authority benefits from
- Reduced onboard and ticket office sales
- Reduced fraud
- Continued access to validation of tickets
- Simple ticket checks
- Easy management of special event ticketing

ABT Back Office
With the app, the staff has secure access to the airweb M-ticketing platform
- Management of the fare range
- Validation and follow-up of ID documents
- Real-time display of usage data
- Direct management of passengers’ relations
- Graphic and dynamic statistical monitoring tools